My name is Mimi and I'm a fabricaholic. Really. I love fabric. I hoard fabric. Today I discovered more fabric that I simply must have!
Selvedges Tutorial
Thursday, May 26, 2016
This is a nice little tutorial written by a member from the Quilting Board. I really need to start saving my selvedges.
Sally Manke Quilts
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
While browsing Pinterest, I cam across these stunning art quilts by Sally Manke. They are her personal designs so there are no patterns. She has a facebook page and an Etsy where you can learn more about her. I would love to have this kind of talent.
More Dear Jane Progress...5 Blocks Done!
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
I finished 2 more blocks today....but not without more drama. I was paper piecing block A4, and it was coming along beautifully. Then as I was trimming a major piece, I accidentally cut on the sewing line instead of the cutting line. I wanted to scream, but I just put everything down and walked away. After a couple of hours I came back and tried again.
Dear Jane Block A3
Monday, May 23, 2016
I didn't have too much trouble with this one. My applique isn't the greatest, but I'm happy with the results. This quilt will definitely be a learning experience and will not be perfect by any means.
Dear Jane Block A2
Saturday, May 21, 2016
Two blocks down, only 223 to go! Thirty six tiny pieces...thankfully, I only had to make this block once.
Dear Jane Block A1, I despise you!
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
After yesterday's failed attempt with block A1, I gave it another try...and messed up again!!! On my third attempt, I was finally successful. While I was sewing...and sewing...and sewing, I was thinking about names for my quilt. This is what I came up with:
Dear Jane, Were You Insane?
Dear Jane, What Were You Thinking?
Dear Jane, You Drove Me Insane!
Dear Jane, Were You Insane?
Dear Jane, What Were You Thinking?
Dear Jane, You Drove Me Insane!
Dear Jane, were you insane?
Tuesday, May 17, 2016
I made my first DJ block today. It took me 2 hours and was a complete disaster. I will be re-doing it tomorrow using a different technique. I used a foundation pattern provided by Susan R. Gatewood on her website. I'm going to try drawing my own pattern using Brenda Papadakis' book.
Using this foundation pattern I ended up with a huge knot in the center of the block.
Vintage Singer 348
Saturday, May 14, 2016
DH and I were visiting the neighborhood yard sales, looking for items for my son's apartment. He just moved out and needs a few things. I found this cute machine at one place and asked how much they wanted for it. The guy said he would give it away to someone who likes sewing and old machines. BINGO!!! I haven't done much research on her yet, but she dates back to the 1960s and she works! She's missing a few little parts, but I don't care. I think I will name her Robin for her color (robin's egg blue).
Hunter's Star Progress
Saturday, May 14, 2016
I'm up to my ears in HSTs! I spent a couple of hours yesterday just sewing and cutting HSTs. There must be hundreds of them! I don't mind making them...just wish I didn't have to trim each's so time consuming. I also finished 3 more star blocks. I was hoping to make more star blocks today, but I haven't found the time.
A small pile of HSTs ready to be pressed.
Trimming the night away!
I Started My Hunter's Star Quilt Today
Thursday, May 12, 2016
I started working on my Hunter's Star quilt today. This morning I washed, dried, pressed and cut six yards of fabric into 5 inch squares. I spent the afternoon power sewing and finished all 28 of the four patch blocks. I decided to try to piece a star block. It was time consuming, but not too difficult. I like the way it turned out, but I need to work on lining up my points. I'm following the Easy Hunter's Star Tutorial by Jenny at Missouri Star Quilt Company. I really like Jenny's method for making HSTs.
Hunter's Star,
Missouri Star Quilt Company
Hunter's Star
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
I am planning to make a Hunter's Star quilt for my sister. I decided to just use two colors, red and cream. I found a wonderful tutorial by Jenny at the Missouri Star Quilt Company. It's a very easy way to make the quilt. I just bought my fabric, but I'm going to prewash it first. I found a couple of great videos by Leah Day that show you how to prewash, press and square your fabric before quilting.
Easy Hunter's Star Video Tutorial
Prewashing & Preparing Fabric for Quilting
Reiko Kato
Sunday, May 8, 2016
One of these days I would love to attend a Tokyo Quilt Festival. Japanese women design some of the most unique and amazing quilts. One of my favorite quilt artists is Reiko Kato. Her quilts are so fun and whimsical. I just discovered that Accuquilt makes GO dies with her little houses and trees. I might give one of her little quilts a try.
Double Wedding Ring Tutorial
Thursday, May 5, 2016
I found a great DWR tutorial that covers the process from beginning to end. I am very intimidated by curves in the sewing world. However, I really want to make a DWR quilt, so I'm saving this link for future reference.
Some of My Quilts
Thursday, May 5, 2016
Some of the quilts I have made over the years, in various states of progress. I am reminded that I have much room for improvement.
irish chain,
log cabin,
my quilts,
strip quilt,
turning twenty
Feedsack Hexies
Tuesday, May 3, 2016
Many years ago my Aunt Darlene gave me some scraps that she had left over from a quilt she had made. Today when I was going through my stash I came across them and decided to use them for hexies. As I was cutting I realized that some, if not all of them, are feedsacks. There aren't enough to make a full size quilt, so I think I'm going to make a mini quilt to hang on the wall in my sewing room.
Dear Jane Templates
Monday, May 2, 2016
I ordered the Dear Jane templates on Amazon today. My first DJ BOM package is being shipped tomorrow. I'm so excited!
Dear Jane...I'm taking the plunge!
Sunday, May 1, 2016
Today I signed up for a Dear Jane Block-of-the-Month Club through Stitchin' Heaven. The program is $25 per month. Each month they send you the fabric and patterns for 10 blocks. It's a 24 month program, so if I keep up with it, I will have my Dear Jane top pieced in 2 years time. I have always wanted to make a DJ quilt. It's on my bucket list. I'm not getting any younger and I figure it's now or never, so I'm going for it! You can learn more about the Dear Jane Quilt here.
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